Category: Ode
Grays Papaya in the Village is no more . . .
Truly a sad, sad day. The cultural and gastronomical landmark Gray’s Papaya in the Village is no more.
- No more of my favorite guilty pleasure.
- No more burning the roof of your mouth with steaming hot doggy wonderfulness, only to cool it seconds later with the cool sweet rush of yummy papaya juice from a plain styrofoam cup.
- No more “snappy” service.
- No more feeling superior to tourists who don’t know how to order.
- No more positioning yourself at just the right angle so as to have your own private counter space no matter how crowded.
- No more catching the flipped nickel from the cashier after getting the “Recession Special” and paying with a five.
- No more scowling at the horrid people who put ketchup on a hot dog.
Go on my old friend! Viva Gray’s Papaya! You will live forever in our hearts . . .
Rosie “The Cat” (2001-2013) R.I.P.
I’m sad to report that just before noon today my dear friend Rosie “The Cat” passed away.
A few weeks ago I began to notice Rosie wasn’t eating much but still drinking water. She seemed lethargic, but I knew something was up when I opened a can of Fancy Feast and she took all day to eat it.
I took her to the vet a few days later and the Doc gave me the bad news that she was showing signs of kidney failure. He gave me some medication and in his thick Eastern European accent said, “Either she’ll come back or she won’t.” His face told me not to get my hopes up.
Over the next few days, she was quiet and slept a lot, but the drugs didn’t look like they were helping. A few nights ago I couldn’t find her and when I did, I knew that she knew. I looked into euthanization and resolved to go that route if she seemed to be suffering.
In the interim, I did my best to keep her comfortable, but last night she had labored breathing and I knew it was close. This morning she stayed close to me, curling up around my feet as I worked at my desk. Looking at her, she seemed peaceful, resigned.
Around eleven o’clock I carried her into the living room swaddled in a blanket where she passed away peacefully in my arms.
She will be missed . . .
Vinny (~~)